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These are the singers and storytellers of the Cyantians. Their culture revolved around stories and singing tales, their history and fantasy they made up themselves.


The Koyoti are pretty much throwbacks to their ancestors, choosing to follow their instincts over civlization. They have their ways of doing things along the fashion of the Coyote. In their quest to find their roots and who they are, they became tribal in nature and their numbers have decreased over time to dangerous levels. Their times have come to an end in the way that they know it and they've been squeezed out of their hunting grounds and by technology. Now, they must either join the other races or let their culture completely die out as it was. "Which isn't a bad thing considering how brutal the customs were they devised for survival."

Pages in category "Koyoti"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.