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Cyantians are generally religious to some degree - very few are atheistic or agnostic.

The Immigrants came with the beliefs of the Rumuah, with Earthen beliefs mingled into that as well due to their having been Humans with them in the beginning - a handful of various faiths. Some Cyantian species adopted these faiths and built upon them, some actually kept them the same way, and some of them.. are the basis for their civilizations. Your average Cyantian takes their beliefs very seriously and personally. What beliefs each group chose to follow (some of them chose the same ones) turned out in different ways due to those who were in charge who abused the beliefs or followed them. The Fox are a good example of a group who had good beliefs to begin with, but those in control warped them, whereas the Wolves have not allowed their own beliefs to change throughout the years.

The Fox btw, believe religion is a tool to control people by.
The Wolves, a way to a better civilization and personal choice.
The Cheetah,.. yeah, Islamic influences for some reason, seems fitting.
Mounties: Much.. much.. variation by Hall.

Every single character has their own choice, not all of them are the same, but they all have their own beliefs and those beliefs contribute largely to how a character will react in any given situation. I can stick two similar characters in a situation and it'll be their beliefs/experiences that decide how they'll get out of it.

Science and religion actually support each other quite a bit in their views, but they're not quite as hung up on some things that humans are. They choose not to get into the mainstay waste of time debates.

The mounties have 3 goddesses of a sort, referred to as the Three Sisters, who serve as 'godlike ones', though they're not really 'worshiped' in the sense of goddesses. They aren't goddesses - they are real, physical beings who have been endowed with seemingly supernatural abilities. (They are the ORIGINAL technomages and the technology they have is far superior to anything the Cyantians have created because it has also given them immortality.) They are brought tributes regularly for their protection of the areas that they cover, which are the majority of the Mounty lands. They are primarily Mounty deities. (They do not consider themselves goddesses or anything of the sort, but instead, Guardians.) They DO have those who follow their teachings. They will take notice of their followers' actions and will not tolerate deviation from their teachings in a way that is against their ways. The three will often appear in various temples around the mountains during the year to teach, mostly orphans who tend their temples. They play a BIG part in Genoworks Saga and will also be mentioned in Gralen Cragg Hall.

Each one has an accompanying Wisp.

The three are:
Zylac - Teacher - a winged Cougar, the cheery one. She has a brightly colored golden wisp with red wings
Zyphir - Healer - a blue Koyoti. She has a blue and white wisp.
Zyra - Warrior - a crimson Ram with horns (despite being female). She has a red wisp of the variety that have bat like wings.

Most Cyantians know about them: most don't believe they exist, but they do.

Native Cyantians that walk upright also have their own sets of beliefs or non-beliefs. They do share them to an extent if they've had contact with each other, but like with our own belief systems on Earth, most of them DO have a belief in a supreme creator, or multiple creators to explain their existence. They don't seem to fight over it quite as much though.

Craihs: Of course, they believe in a God of Water Creation and conquest/gaining knowledge.
Neefla: Multiple gods and goddesses.
Raiey: Kind of like the Craihs, a good peaceful God of creation.

Shivae's beliefs - The Shivae are just a little influenced by Gryphon beliefs and vice versa to a point that sometimes they are intertwined.

Bounty was a preacher, which is still a large part of his life, despite where he is, what he's doing, etc, but he's not too overbearing about it, other than demanding his students at least adhere to rules that keep them out of trouble. They're all relatively open-minded.