Academy Diaries

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This entertaining storyline follows the exploits of Cesilee, Khaelis, and Marcus, among others. Orginally titled Cesilee's Diary, as it recorded the exploits of an ocelot named Cesilee, who has an unusual (perhaps for ocelots) interest in humans, and what others see as an unhealthy infatuation with the human named Marcus. The original storyline displayed in great detail the growing intrest Cesilee showed in Marcus, eventually leading up to her stalking him and spy on him through binoculars. This runs parallel to Campus Safari and No Angel, and signs of Cesilee's infatuation with Marcus are displayed in both of them. More recently, the story-line expanded to include not only more focus on Marcus, but also stories focusing on the tenuous and often exploitive relationship between Jules and Khaelis. It also reveals that Khaelis has an unexplicable (he's a fox!) weakness for catnip, and for the most part loses his sanity when he comes into contact with it.

This comic has been DISCONTINUED as a premium pay to view comic, but you still have to join KeenPremiumto view the archives. To follow the story current, go on over to Campus Safari.