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Utahraptors are brightly colored bipedal dinosaurs with long hair, the males are more exotically colored than the females, in both skin and hair. They tend to be very friendly. They are also warm-blooded.

They like to eat - a lot - if it looks like food, they'll try to eat it. They're rarely fat though (plump sometimes, but not chunky) due to having an excellent metabolism and a tendency to be extremely active. They can eat their own body weight in a day if allowed and not get sick from it. They can also go for a week without eating anything and still be in good shape.

They like plump, and consider thick thighs and tails to be attractive.

They tend to have large families (Rad being the youngest of 11).

A more recent immigrant than the rest of the Cyantian immigrants, they are a recently freed slave race from the Ceraton Empire/Dynasty. (Campus Safari, strip 138) They now primarily inhabit the Casiom Islands off the southwest corner of Rillora.

Pages in category "Utahraptor"

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