The White Stags

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The White Stags

Deep in the northern forests where few dare to tread, there is a story of a lost tribe of Cyantians who struck out for the northern lands after a time of hunger had the carnivores thinning their numbers. Among them, deer, rams, mice and rabbits trekked to the north. The mice didn't remain with the main band, scattering out as they went and found new lands. The rabbits left the group once the reached the lowlands, making their homes in mysterious caverns created by the tunneling creatures that none have seen. The rams took up in the higher elevations of the mountains, but the deer continued on, lead by a strong Frost Buck. They left and nothing was heard of them once they crossed the mountains. Eventually, they were even forgotten until the Northern lands started to become populated with new cities.

Reports began coming in about strange creatures in the forest, fleet footed beasts that were too fast to catch and vanished into the forest far easier than any cyantian.

It is here, that we meet Noel, the first lion cub who tamed a Gryphon. Noel was just a cub and a wanderer by nature even at that time. It is said, that he, as white as the snow was the only one who ever saw a White Stag... and he boldly followed it.

The stories he returned with brought hundreds to the northern lands. A city within the mountains, surrounded by hot springs and kept warm year around. The mountains reflected a continual light so that it was always day and never night, yet the temperature was perfectly spring year around. There were lush winter gardens that one could only dream about with strange fruits and the gems, beautiful gems the size of a mounty's paw pads. Noel unfortunately was injured by a Volvire on his return trip, and an illness overcame him that robbed him of his memory of how to get to this wonderful place, the land of White Stags and golden fields. It also took from him the memory of what had happened there, and something had, because he was never quite the same cub as before... and he spent the rest of his life seeking that lost land and whatever it was he'd left behind.

So in the night in the Northern lands, when you hear the snow crunching and limbs breaking, be aware that it isn't some spectre or beast of prey seeking your hides... it is merely the Lion, Noel, seeking out this lost land... and the unknown he left behind.

And let it be known that anyone seeing a White Stag in the Northern Lands, can choose to follow it or return, but they cannot choose both, because one or the other will be claimed....

  • An old story told to Northerner Cubs in the cold of winter.