Cyantian Timeline

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The Landing

About 1000 AD earthtime a highly advanced and ancient race of aliens arrive with their servants, gleaned from across the universe and tweaked for their own purposes. They set up a series of 'gates' to other worlds around the planet to populate the world with creatures of their liking.

The Squids and Omega Legacy

Year 0

30 years after the landing the ancients have completely died leaving a half finished city and all their information to their servants, who are not exactly prepared for the responsibilities of that information. The Coyote go feral immediately and leave the city not wanting to be part of anything as others try to pick up the pieces of their place on this world they've been abandoned on.

Year 137 - Triad Occupation

Abductions begin and genetic tampering for profit by creating pit fighters out of the Cyantians. Among the first to be taken is the original Alpha Akaelae(Age 22) in the guise of helping them to achieve space flight.

Year 146 - The Rebellion Against Squid

Ends in victory to the rebellion. All of those who were taken and survived: 12 Wolves, 1 White Fox, 1 Silver Fox, 3 Black Fox, 6 various Feline, 2 Koyoti, 4 Jackal, 1 Ram, 6 Rabbits. Of these, each was 'adjusted' at the somatic and reproductive levels so that their traits are passed on to further generations, although effects are unknown other than heightened senses and extraordinary healing ability while mobile. This was instilled for the purpose of forcing pit fights to last extremely long periods of time. It only works when the wounded is MOVING and seems to revert to near normal when the body is resting so as not to overwork their bodies.

Year 153

Alpha Akaelae forms The Counciland founds the city of Centralis on the ruins of the Ancient City.

Year 155

The Fox separate from The Council due to conflicts over ethical management of genetic research and several dangerous experiments that were performed.

Year 168

Several groups of Cyantians needing cooler climates start to the North as their numbers have grown enough to make the move. The Feline species also begin to split away to more suitable land leaving the Wolves, Jackal, Rams and Rabbits.

Shivae Takes Place

Year 170

Ram and Rabbit leave as well to start their own civilizations out of fear of being surrounded by carnivores, some of which let old habits die hard.

Year 171

The Jackal are the last to leave taking with them a small remnant of Taboa (creatures based on an unknown animal, squirrel like).

The Ridge Wars

Year 487

Things have been peaceful and some of the races have actually forgotten others exist. Contact between them is limited. The Fox have kept to themselves, as have the Northern Citystates, Koyoti and Jackal. The Wolf Citystates are more prominent than any of the others and work respectfully with the Mounties *The Felines living in the mountains*, Ram and Rabbit. It is at this time that the Fox reappear and begin the Ridge Wars. White, Silver and Black fox marked for death because of 'traits' they inherited from their abducted forefathers which seem to be fur color linked.

Danie takes place.

Note: Alpha and several other Wolves are -still- alive and have not aged at all. As a matter of fact, Alpha has three sons and two daughters now. One daughter had already grown old and died, proof that it isn't passed on to all. Syrys Akaelae is 229 years of age.

Year 496

The Ridge wars are won and the King is replaced by a White Fox named Medici who proceeds to attempt to change the way things are going and has minor success. Battles for the throne ensue upon his death in 542.

Rama Tibal aka. Wolf is exiled for murdering his own teammates during the conflict and essentially going completely awol to the Fox side. The Elite are disbanded and go behind the scenes.

Year 836

Alpha Akaelae's age begins to catch up with him again and he remarries. Of his children, none have outlived him, that he knows of. Now he has two more sons, neither of which show any signs of inheriting his own long life. From this generation, he hides his age.

The Centralis War

Year 867

Contact with the underwater creatures, namely native Shark and Dolphin anthros that lack legs and hence... haven't made the contact themselves up to that point make themselves known through scientific breakthroughs of their own and wanting to be a part of what's going on above the water.

Year 868

The White Fox once again take the throne and everything looks good.

Year 876

Upon the night of celebration of the yearly anniversary of the White Fox taking the throne and to celebrate an arranged marriage that will happen 20 years into the future between a year old white fox named Tira Wrashoen and a five year old White Fox kit by the name of Caite Medici. During this time a coup is staged and succeeds in wiping out ALL of the White and Silver Fox under a mass of Golden Fox warriors. Only one white fox cub survives, Tira who was hidden away when her parents fled. The Black Fox were then also sought out for full extermination at this time... again. Several escaped and one silver Fox kit was abandoned: Silvia C'lan.

Gralen Cragg takes place.

Tamera takes place.

875- Alpha, Celina born.

876- Darius born

877 - Sheana born.

Year 890

Satin & Silk Prequel Takes Place

Note that Roos in Sink or Swim cause the event that allows them to escape. Exotica Genoworks moves offworld.

Year 892

Akaelae Takes Place

Year 894

The Underground Takes place - A Massive plague does something all the Fox wars couldn't do... completely destroys their main city and the majority of their smaller cities leaving only one member of the present ruling family, Prince Kiet al'Rashon.. who has some very different ideas on how things should be.

Year 895 - Centralis War

Wolf resurfaces after hundreds of years of exile on Earth to take over an entire city... only to be stopped by the now adult Elite.

Year 897

Sink or Swim: Mini story takes place, Mist Memories, Shadows of Hope, introducing two new roos, Shadou and Miste.

Mars Academy

Year 901

The Cyantians attempt to regroup their world and keep the Fox from falling into their cycle of war by inviting them and other races to join in the founding of a Mars Elite Academy and make contact with the people of Earth at sometime in the future. Darius Akaelae leads the expedition.

Year 902

No Angel, Satin & Silk, Sink or Swim & Campus Safari all take place here.

(Note to myself, Shadou and Miste are roughly 7 years of age.) There is a small graphical timeline located in the Exotica Genoworks Saga story as well.

This text was taken from and edited