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Lissan is Littan/Kourwine - she looks Littan but has Kourwine abilities. Her littan mother died when she was born, Littan law gave her to her mother's parents to raise and denied her to her Kourwine father. The grandparents later sold her off to pay their debts.

The tips of her ears were cut off when she entered servitude to mask her crossbreed heritage, and has a contract seal tattoed on the back of her hand.

The contract is a set amount of years translated to labor dollars. It's usually 'fair' for their skills. Lisaan's been paying off debt for five years now. Fortunately, her contract had certain stipends in exchange for length of time. If they'd let her go into the 'black market', she'd be out by now. Instead she's been doing lots of servant type work, which means she's going to be an indentured servant for another ten years or so. (Basically, the buyers pay off her debt in full in exchange for her working for them for a set time - if they don't like her, she gets returned and they get some of their money back, which Lisaan has to pay again before leaving the system.)

Unfortunately, her contract had a default secondary contract for 'intimate personal services' if she was rejected twice by her buyers, as being unfit for regular duties. The first time she was rejected for being too shy, not speaking unless spoken to. The second time she fought off an attempted rape by a friend of her Kourwine master and bit him - she was held at fault for his injuries. Then Zaile bought her and gave her to Riley to draw his attention away from Maelinn. Riley... was not happy and threatened to send her back, which would default her to her secondary contract, depressing her greatly. She later confided in Damian.