Sirene Akaelae

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Sirene Akaelae
Wolf (female)
Blond and brown fur with blond hair. Brown eyes.

  • Youngest daughter of Alpha and the love interest of Rama. Alpha did not approve of their relationship due to the fact that children of such a union could be deformed (since Rama was a half-breed), and tried to keep her away from Rama's courting.
  • She loved Rama very, very much. However, her father and siblings had a very hostile reaction to it and she ended up being forced to leave and hidden from him on Avistary.
  • Rama eventually located her there, but no sooner had he started courting her again than Syrys found them and physically attacked Rama, and won.
  • Current location unknown as Rama never found her again afterwards (possibly died during the encounter between Syrys and Rama).
  • In Danie was described as being silver and white and the twin sister of Syrys